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Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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Meet Loggle

Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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Relationship between IT Asset Management and IT Infrastructure

Relationship between IT Asset Management and IT Infrastructure

Today, technology is spread all over the place, no longer limited to only certain areas. We are witnessing the changes brought by technology in our daily lives and in our business life. Let's take a brief look at the impact of technology on the business world.

Digital Transformation in Business

Yes, it's not a long time, just 20 years ago, new computers and mobile phones started to be used in offices. Now, when you look at your office, you can see it as a technology house. In parallel with the rapid spread of technological hardware assets, it also triggered the development of software connected to these hardware assets.

With the wind of digital transformation, businesses have now invested in technology to perform their manual processes faster, easier, and minimally. When we examine both regional and international reports, we observe that IT investments are increasing year by year all over the world. So what are businesses aiming for with this information technology investment? What are the reasons behind their IT investments?

How to Stand out from the Competition with IT Investments?

Undoubtedly, the biggest purpose behind IT investments is to grow the business. In most sectors, there is now tougher competition than in the past. Businesses generally make great efforts to increase their market shares and sometimes not to lose their market shares. Technology enables companies to deliver agility, easy accessibility and, ultimately, a better user experience.

Based on the items mentioned above, we realize how important IT infrastructures are for businesses to achieve their goals. Because the component that will make businesses successful is not higher IT expenditure; are an efficient and optimized IT infrastructure. In the continuation of this article let's answer these questions.

  • How to build an efficient IT infrastructure?"
  • How do businesses learn more about IT infrastructure?

What is IT Infrastructure?

Computer networks require an infrastructure to work properly with each other. Most businesses have an IT infrastructure that covers any organization's IT assets. IT infrastructure in a business is a combination of hardware, software, peripherals and even IT support services. For an IT infrastructure to be effective, all relevant components of a network must work together.

Importance of IT Asset Management for IT Infrastructures

Until this part of this article, we have touched on the importance of IT infrastructures for businesses. IT asset management (ITAM) is undoubted of great importance for making information technology infrastructures more efficient. IT asset management is a methodology that covers the management of all software, hardware, integration and system connections owned by an enterprise throughout their lifecycle.

Companies build inventories of their IT assets by applying IT asset management. These IT inventories also contain detailed information and insights on the assets owned by the business. Businesses can detect deficiencies and surpluses in such IT structures and shape their IT investments accordingly. By eliminating unnecessary IT assets, businesses can save costs and optimize their IT infrastructure.

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software (tool) is a digital solution that meets the functions businesses need when implementing the management of their IT assets. With IT asset management software, businesses can manage their software, hardware and integration inventories along with their costs throughout their life cycle.

Loggle is a startup that offers IT asset management solutions. You can contact us to examine Loggle's solutions in detail.

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loggle Meet Loggle

Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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