Meet Loggle

Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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Meet Loggle

Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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How Do You Build Your Centralized IT Asset Inventory?

How Do You Build Your Centralized IT Asset Inventory?

Since the 20th century, technologies related to information processing, transmission and storage of information have developed and become widespread at an incredible speed. But not only technology but also business expectations have changed at a rapid pace. For this reason, companies have started to make investments that will make their existing IT structures more dynamic.

Why Do Businesses Invest in Their IT Systems?

While businesses have always used technology to scale and develop their businesses, digital transformation is all about updating and upgrading the capacity to compete in a digital economy. While the world is rapidly digitizing, businesses have to realize their digital transformation in order to maintain their competitive advantage. This is now a struggle for survival in the business world.

Businesses aim to develop their IT infrastructure in line with business purposes. In this direction, they need to strengthen their IT by investing in various technologies from computers to servers.

How to Build a More Efficient IT Environment?

High IT budgets do not always mean efficient IT operations. From the past to the present, we have witnessed the failure of the digital transformation processes of most high-budget companies. For this reason, enterprise architecture has a critical importance for companies. Companies should make their IT investments in line with their business objectives and expectations.

If businesses are faced with question marks at the point of efficiency, they should first evaluate their existing IT structures. Do the company's existing technology assets really benefit the company? Here, businesses should evaluate their current technology inventories according to the "IT value". Assets with low IT value but high cost create an unnecessary expense for companies

Relationship between IT Asset Management and IT Infrastructure

What is IT Asset Management?

IT Asset Management (ITAM) can be defined as the business processes performed to monitor and evaluate the technology assets of enterprises. Firms need to collect their IT assets in an inventory and monitor the assets in this inventory in order to have a better command of the existing IT infrastructure. ITAM increases IT visibility by making IT infrastructures of companies transparent.

How to Build a CentraIized IT Asset Inventory?

At first, businesses were performing their IT asset inventory management processes through spreadsheets. A more dynamic ITAM mechanism was needed because IT asset management in spreadsheets was dysfunctional and tiring in complex IT structures. For this reason, IT asset management solutions emerged.

IT Asset Management software enables companies to keep and manage their inventory of application, hardware, integration and all other technology assets.

IT Asset Management in a Single Platform

One of the biggest problems encountered in IT inventory management processes is a dispersed management mechanism. The fact that companies that continue their operations in different locations keep a different spreadsheet for each location causes many errors.

Loggle provides a centralized platform that enables businesses to manage all IT asset management processes from a single platform. Companies can holistically manage their application management, hardware management, integration management and IT cost management processes in Loggle.

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loggle Meet Loggle

Loggle is an IT Asset Management Tool that allows IT teams to monitor and manage the lifecycle and costs of all software, hardware and integration assets used within an enterprise.

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