Software asset management (SAM) is the process that an organization uses to identify, locate, maintain and keep track of its software assets. It involves inventorying computer software products within a company's network, upgrading software to its latest version as it becomes available and disposing of outdated software without affecting its business. Software metadata tags with useful information such as cost, license type, release date and status can help with this process. There are many tools provided by vendors to help you manage your software assets.
So that's why a lot of companies are looking into ways to control their software assets, into ways of letting them achieve the ways they want it to. And one of the major issues that a lot of companies have is software licensing.
While software asset management is just a part of overall IT management, the title strikes fear into the hearts of even some of the most seasoned project managers and computer professionals. So what is an organization to do when faced with a seemingly endless number of software choices, each requiring attention to different licenses, purchases, and management systems? The answer: software asset management. Let's look at what software asset management is and why it's important for every business to consider.
Software asset management is an important practice for businesses of all sizes. This article will discuss the processes involved in SAM, and how software automation can improve these processes.
SAM benefits businesses in terms of IT efficiency, cost, and various aspects. Let's take a closer look at the ways SAM can improve your business:
When you manage your software assets effectively, you can save money because you'll only pay for what you use (and not a penny more). In addition, the risk of getting fined or sued for copyright infringement is reduced.
Software license agreements can be extremely complex, with volume-based licensing discounts based on numerous factors, such as the number of users and when licenses are purchased. A SAM program helps ensure that all licensing requirements are met to avoid unnecessary expenses. SAM can also help reduce license acquisition costs by tracking which features are in use and which aren't. Unused features can be disabled or removed to reduce license costs.
With a well-structured SAM program in place, you'll know exactly what software programs your company owns and how they're being used. This allows you to identify redundant or under-utilized software, so it can be removed or redistributed appropriately.
A good SAM program will ensure that your organization complies with all relevant laws and regulations. Organizations need to abide by licensing requirements to avoid legal problems. Software vendors often aggressively pursue organizations that violate license terms and conditions, leading to expensive audits and potential financial penalties for noncompliance. A SAM program helps ensure that organizations stay compliant with licensing terms to avoid these problems.
Software asset management identifies potential risks associated with your software programs — such as security leaks or vulnerabilities — so they can be mitigated before any damage is done.
Software vulnerabilities are widely exploited by cybercriminals for malicious purposes, including identity theft and financial fraud. Patches must be applied in a timely manner to prevent these attacks. A SAM program ensures that software patches are properly tested and deployed as quickly as possible after they become available.
Software asset management is not a one-time process, it consists of operations that must be performed periodically.
These processes consist of the following:
This is the first task. You need to understand what software you have installed on computers, servers and in the cloud. How many copies do you need? How many do you have? Are there any illegal copies among them? This information will help you evaluate your current state and calculate how much money you can save using a SAM solution.
The process begins with the collection of data from all the resources where the software is located. This data is then consolidated and stored in a central database for easy access.
You can save on licensing costs if you purchase only those licenses that you really need, and no more than that. Use SAM to optimize your license position to better fit your actual needs. You can also use licensing optimization to obtain additional benefits from vendors, such as additional discounts or free support services.
This step involves verifying that the collected data is accurate and complete.
The next step in the process involves identifying assets that are not compliant with licensing agreements.
This step can help you estimate how many licenses you need to manage assets efficiently and avoid overspending on software licenses you don't need.
Using SAM allows you to manage new software installations and updates, create plans for deploying new versions of applications, disable outdated modules, etc. It also helps to track which software has been updated and deployed to which machines and users in your organization.
Software Asset Management software is a solution that helps organizations manage and optimize their software assets. Software Asset Management software is designed to provide IT organizations the ability to track, manage and control all the software assets within the organization.
The software asset management tool helps IT departments to manage complex software licenses, contracts and agreements. This is done by providing a centralized location for the discovery and inventory of all software assets. SAM tools provide visibility into installed applications and license usage to help you stay in compliance, avoid unnecessary spending and make better decisions about IT inventory.
The bottom line is that IT Asset Management is necessary for every business. No matter how small, no matter the industry. The amount of money being saved and the time saved by using such software is simply too great to ignore. Recent developments in ITAM software have made it easier than ever to manage your software costs and have created a competitive advantage for many businesses. Loggle, an IT Asset Management Software, has all of the features of traditional versions along with modules that allow you and your company to harness all of this technology.
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